Personal Care, Skin Care

Natural skincare routine for men

A portrait of a man with a clay mask

Skincare needs to be a priority in our lives. While women have always been told to take care of their skin, it is equally important for men to follow a skincare routine as well. Due to rigorous work, hectic lifestyle and high stress the men are more prone to acne and various other skin problems and it is crucial to follow a skincare regimen to keep the skin troubles a mile away and ace their work with healthy and clear skin.

All skincare routines should be divided in three categories: – Daily, Weekly, Monthly to take an effective care and have well-nourished skin. Below is a list of general routine followed for all three categories and recommended natural cruelty- free products to be used for same.



  1. Wash your face, as soon as you rise up in the morning as it would make the skin feel fresh.
  2. Cleanse your body with a shower gel on a daily basis as it gives the necessary fragrance and a good shower gel will always make you feel rejuvenated and refreshed.
  3. Avoid washing your face with a soap as it disrupts the ph. balance of the skin. It is always suggested to use face wash that suits your skin daily.
  4. The most powerful weapon for males is the moisturizer. Always invest in your moisturizer as it can either keep your skin bright and hydrated or can make the skin dull and tired.
  5. Usually men tend to ignore the necessity of a lip balm but it is a vital element to keep your lips hydrated and soft. Use a mild lip balm with no color to give the necessary charm.
  6. Never leave the home without sunscreen. as men usually have to travel for work, they come in a greater contact with the sun, therefore it is very important to use a sunscreen to prevent any kind of sun damage.


  • Always rinse your face and hands as soon as you reach home to remove all kind of dirt and impurities your skin came in contact with throughout the day.
  • If your skin feels really tired and dull, a cleanser can solve the problem as it gives deep conditioning and makes the skin feel soft and supple.
  • Always apply a night cream before going to bed as our skin repairs itself in the night, so the cream can add power to the process and make the skin healthy.
  • Due to hectic work hours and sleeping late, it is also suggested to use an under-eye cream as the under-eye skin is the most delicate one and is more prone to damages.


  • Use a scrub for both your face and body to remove any impurities stuck on the skin and also to exfoliate for a softer and fresher look.
  • Apply any fruit, raw milk or any kind of natural pack once in a while to keep the skin healthy and clear.
  • Nurture your skin by a steam every week either at home or any salon for deep cleansing and nourishment.


  • Pamper your skin with a facial at home or outside to rejuvenate and make it ready for the coming month.
  • Use mask sheet once in a while to give nurturing and refreshment to your skin.

General tips

  • Drink 8-9 hours of water everyday to keep the skin hydrated naturally.
  • Take at least 8 hours of sleep for skin to repair the cells and promote a healthy skin.
  • Always include green vegetables or juices and fruits every day, as healthy lifestyle always promotes a healthy skin.
  • It is okay to use any sunscreen ranging from SPF30 – SPF 50, and other creams but always remember to spend on a quality moisturiser.
  • Take out 10-15 minutes every weekend for face mask or natural packs to keep the skin healthy ahead.
  • Always apply all cream and packs in an upward circular motion as downward motion can make the skin prone to fine lines and wrinkles at a young age.

With the increase pollution and stress in our surrounding, our skin should not turn a victim to these problems. while we keep our body completely healthy and fit it is equally important to keep the skin healthy as well. Men being more prone and in greater contact with sun and other impurities it is crucial to devote at least few minutes of each day to have a healthy and a nourished skin.

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